Submucosal Resection (SMR)/Septoplasty
Submucosal resection is the most common ENT surgery
The nasal septum is the hard tissue partition in the center of the nose that
divides the nostrils.The septum enables air to pass without interruption through
both nostrils to the respiratory system.
What is nasal septal stenosis?
When the septum partition bends, it can form a partial or complete blockage,
which narrows the airways.Causes of nasal septal stenosis include congenital
malformation, abnormal septum development in childhood, external injury,
trauma, etc.
The narrowing causes difficulty breathing and medical conditions.It can be
treated with surgery to straighten the nasal septum.
About submucosal resection (SMR) surgery/Septoplasty
The operation is performed under general anesthesia and without any incisions
on the face.During the operation, the surgeon inserts an endoscope (a lighted
tube with a tiny camera) through the nostrils and to display the images of the
septum throughout the operation.
The procedure performed is based on the shape and condition of the patient’s
septum. The surgeon may straighten the septum, scrape the bone, change the
shape of the cartilage, and/or remove some of the problematic tissues.