Egg donation
In order to achieve pregnancy, women from one of the following groups may need egg donations from women with potential for producing eggs of high quality:
Donations are usually provided to:
Women above 45 years of age
Women who produce a small number of eggs or those who do not produce them at all
Women who have experienced multiple failures to achieve pregnancy due to low egg quality
The Israeli egg donation law allowing Israeli women to donate eggs has been passed in Israel and the IVF units are making arrangements to implement it.
At the same time, due to the high demand, the process of obtaining donated eggs from
Israeli Ministry of Health-approved IVF units abroad continues. In this process the partner's
or donor's sperm is transferred to the IVF unit abroad in which the egg was donated and the
fertilization process takes place there.
In this process there are two options:
The woman to whom the eggs are being donated travels to the IVF unit abroad where she undergoes embryo transfer.
The fertilized eggs are returned to Israel and embryo transfer is performed in Israel