Diagnostic cardiac catheterization
Diagnostic coronary angiography is an accurate and reliable tool to diagnose atherosclerosis (narrowing of the coronary arteries). It is invaluable for visualizing the heart valves and chambers, and for diagnosing and monitoring congenital (from birth) heart defects.
Diagnostic catheterization is a brief, painless exam, performed under local anesthesia and light sedation. The physician inserts a very thin tube into the patient's artery, through a groin or wrist artery. Guided by state-of-the-art imaging, the cardiologist advances the catheter through the arteries to the heart. Viewing artery and heart structures in real time, the physician can identify coronary artery blockages, valve malfunctions, and other problems, and determine their severity.
Armed with this information, the cardiologist can diagnose conditions and make decisions about immediate or future treatment.